詩歌是由作者以美感直覺捕捉意象,形諸文字。詩美學是創作者心靈美與讀者情境美的交融,亦是詩人與客體世界之間相互的投射 。俄國詩人瓦茲涅辛斯基曾說:「詩歌的出路在於各種聯想;隱喻是形式的馬達。而聯想、隱喻就是啟動詩歌奇蹟的最佳利器。」 聯想和隱喻往往反映在創作者的修辭字義中,也因為每個作家的思維、人生觀的不同,形成了獨特的修辭字義系統。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the “Rhetoric Semantic System” in literary works – on the basis of analyzing Nature’s symbolic meanings in Yevtushenko’s works. Rhetoric plays an important role in linguistics. In the literary work of nature serves as a criterion of aesthetics. It is the primary object of study of science at present in addition. Yevtushenko often reveals himself impression or opinion by multiple subjects “Nature.”
The thesis consists of introduction, four chapters, conclusion, and literature.
Introduction: The introduction includes the motive and the goal for the research, the method and the construction, the limit and the materials of study.
First chapter: The definition of the nature and the aesthetic function of language.
Second chapter: Analyses of russian poetic rhetoric: Epithet, Comparison, Metaphor, Metonym, Hyperbole, Personification, Antithesis, Calembour, Inversion, and Synaesthesia.
Third chapter: Study of rhetoric - on the basis of analyzing Nature’s symbolic meanings in Yevtushenko’s works.
Fourth chapter: Study of image - on the basis of analyzing Nature’s symbolic meanings in Yevtushenko’s works.
Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the full text, reconfirm the title of this thesis and the finding of the research.