摘要: | 因行動科技(mobile technology)之進展與日益普及,促使企業採用並接受遊戲化(gamification)應用程式。企業運用遊戲化程式之目的為希望促進品牌熱愛(brand love)及顧客參與(customer engagement)。瞭解品牌熱愛與顧客參與之前置與後置變項儼然已成為重要課題,特別遊戲化於其中扮演之角色。因此,本計畫茲將調查於一個可於Apple或Google Play商店下載的遊戲化跑步應用程式(即Nike Run Club)之情境下,品牌認同(brand identification)與自我表達(self-expressiveness)對於品牌熱愛之影響,進而影響顧客參與,以及影響其後的品牌體驗(brand experience)與再購意圖(repurchase intention)。再者,本計畫除了審視遊戲化對於品牌熱愛與顧客參與及其二者之間關係之影響外,亦將探究其對於品牌體驗與再購意圖之影響。本計畫將使用偏最小平方法(partial least squares; PLS),一個普遍被使用的結構方程模式方法,透過SmartPLS,以檢定品牌認同、自我表達、品牌熱愛、顧客參與、遊戲化、品牌體驗及再購意圖之因果關係,以及探究於遊戲化情境下,顧客參與之中介角色及遊戲化之干擾角色。再者,本計畫將使用Nike Run Club為題材,然後執行紙本問卷調查,並以居住於台灣且20 歲以上的人為目標母群體。本計畫亦將採用分層抽樣方法以獲取有效的回應,以檢定本計畫所提之假說。最後,依據實證的結果,本計畫期能貢獻予品牌管理者洞悉遊戲化如何影響顧客對品牌熱愛及顧客參與,進而影響其品牌體驗與再購意圖。另外,本計畫亦試圖確認顧客參與於品牌熱愛及品牌體驗與再購意圖之間之中介角色,以及遊戲化於品牌熱愛及顧客參與之間之干擾角色。此外,本計畫期能貢獻予品牌管理者認識遊戲化之影響,進而洞悉為增進品牌熱愛與顧客參與,其品牌認同與自我表達及遊戲化將會是重要關鍵因素。總之,本計畫盼透過Nike Run Club之探究,以證實遊戲化對於增加品牌熱愛與強化顧客參與,以及增進其品牌體驗與再購意圖為最有效方法。
Advances in and increased access to mobile technology has prompted businesses to embrace gamified applications, particularly to enhance brand love and consumer engagement. Thus, it is important to highlight not only the antecedents and consequences of brand love and consumer engagement but also the critical role of gamification. This project examines brand identification, self-expressiveness, and brand love in the context of Nike Run Club, a gamified running app available on Apple and Google Play stores. Brand love affects customer participation and, subsequently, brand experience and repurchase intentions. In addition, this project examines the moderating effect of gamification on the relationship between brand love and consumer engagement. Employing partial least squares through SmartPLS, it tests the causal relationships among brand identification, self-expressiveness, brand love, consumer engagement, brand experience, and repurchase intentions. It also explores the mediating effect of consumer engagement on the association that brand love has with brand experience and repurchase intentions, and on the relationships between gamification, brand love, brand experience, and repurchase intentions. It also analyzes the moderating effects of gamification on the relationship between brand love and consumer engagement. This project administers a paper-based questionnaire to individuals aged 20 years and above in Taiwan. Stratified sampling is adopted to obtain valid responses and to test the proposed hypotheses. The empirical results can help brand managers further their understanding of the impact of gamification on brand love and consumer engagement and, subsequently, on brand experience and repurchase intentions. The findings offer deeper insights on brand identification, self-expressiveness, and gamification as significant influencing factors, which will help brand managers enhance brand love and consumer engagement. In sum, this project attempts to demonstrate gamification as the most effective approach to increasing brand love, strengthening consumer engagement, and improving brand experiences and repurchase intentions. |