摘要: | 因全球環境持續惡化及人們的環保意識逐漸高漲,故為達生態環境永續發展(sustainable development),如何增進人們對綠色產品之接受度及有效地從事資源回收(resource recycling),儼然政府及企業均扮演重要角色。然而,回顧先前研究幾乎缺乏探討如何透過網站遊戲化機制(gamification mechanics)之建立,以影響使用者從事(engagement)資源回收。僅管先前研究已證實網站遊戲化機制為使用者行為意圖之重要影響因子,但是幾乎缺乏探究網站遊戲化機制對於使用者需求滿足(need satisfaction)之影響,進而對其內在動機(intrinsic motivation)之影響與爾後使用者從事資源回收之影響,以及環境關切(environmental concern)之干擾效果。因此,本計畫茲將調查資源回收網站之遊戲化機制對於使用者需求滿足、內在動機及從事資源回收之影響。另外,使用者內在動機於需求滿足及從事資源回收之間扮演之中介角色,以及環境關切於內在動機及從事資源回收之間扮演之干擾角色亦被探究於本計畫中。本計畫將使用偏最小平方法(Partial Least Squares; PLS),一個普遍被使用的結構方程模式方法,透過SmartPLS,以檢定遊戲化機制、需求滿足、內在動機及使用者從事之因果關係,以及探究於遊戲化情境下,使用者內在動機之中介角色及環境關切之干擾角色。再者,本計畫將使用Recyclebank為題材,然後執行線上調查,並以居住於台灣且20 歲以上的人為目標母群體。本計畫亦將採用分層抽樣方法以獲取有效的回應,以檢定本計畫所提之假說。最後,依據實證的結果,本計畫期能貢獻予資源回收網站管理者洞悉遊戲化機制之建立如何影響使用者需求滿足與內在動機,進而影響其從事資源回收,以達生態環境永續發展。另外,本計畫亦試圖確認使用者內在動機於需求滿足及從事資源回收之間之中介角色,以及環境關切於使用者內在動機及其從事資源回收之間之干擾角色。此外,本計畫期能貢獻予資源回收網站管理者認識遊戲化機制之影響,進而洞悉為增進使用者從事資源回收,其需求滿足、內在動機及環境關切將會是重要關鍵因素。總之,本計畫的研究發現透過資源回收網站之遊戲化機制建立,得以有效地連結使用者並將之轉變為環保人士(environmentalists)。
Given the continuous deterioration of the global environment and the growing awareness about environmental protection, increasing public acceptance of green products and engagement in resource recycling are critical in achieving the sustainable development of the ecological environment, and governments and businesses play a key role in this process. However, there is limited knowledge about how gamification mechanics on resource-recycling websites influence user engagement. While researchers have confirmed that a website’s gamification mechanisms are strong predictors of users’ behavioral intention, no study has yet investigated the impact of gamification mechanisms on users’ needs satisfaction, and in turn, their intrinsic motivations and user engagement in resource recycling as well as the moderating effect of environmental concerns. In addition to bridging this gap in the literature, this research explores the mediating role of intrinsic motivations in the relationship between users’ needs satisfaction and engagement and the moderating role of environmental concerns in the relationships between users’ intrinsic motivations and engagement. First, we apply partial least squares (PLS), a commonly used structural equation modeling method, using SmartPLS to test the causal relationships between gamification mechanics and needs satisfaction, intrinsic motivations, and user engagement in resource recycling as well as the abovementioned mediating and moderating effects. Second, using Recyclebank as a case study, we administer a web-based questionnaire to individuals aged 20 years and above in Taiwan. We perform stratified sampling to obtain valid responses to our hypothesis tests. The empirical results of this study are expected to enhance website managers’ understanding of gamification mechanics for resource recycling. Further, the results can help website managers identify ways to improve user engagement and understand the significance of needs satisfaction, intrinsic motivations, and environmental concerns in resource recycling. In sum, this study offers insight on using gamification mechanics in the context of resource recycling to help connect with users and convert them into environmentalists. |