This descriptive study examines the impact of the U.S. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) non-standard monetary policy called Quantitative Easing (QE) on the two largest U.S. stock market indices. Following a narrative of leverage induced market volatility, this study argues for the inclusion of GJR GARCH for assessing the magnitude of LSAP activity upon markets as a barometer of impact. Modeling QE effects on volatility in equity markets, returns and volatility analysis of the U.S. stock indices from 1971 until the conclusion of the QE3 tail period was measured using GJR GARCH framework with QE indicators capturing asymmetric volatility from the conditional variance of the QEi dummy variable term.
The findings include statistically significant attenuation of volatility through periods of the Federal Reserve Board's QE measures, offering a compact approach for risk-management and policymakers alike to gauge market impact resulting from QE measures. This study reflects the latest market observations for the entire QE regime in addition to the most widely agreed upon indicators that reflect economic health.