摘要: | 由於食品安全問題,純天然的有機食品特別受到歡迎,近年各式各樣的有機食品通路興起,代表飲食健康已成為重要議題。故本研究旨在探討有機食品之品牌形象(功能面、象徵面、經驗面)及便利性對於消費者購買意願之影響,並探討便利性對品牌形象與購買意願之關係的調節作用。本研究對象為北北基及桃園地區曾在有機商店消費經驗者,最終蒐集並分析有效問卷356份。階層迴歸分析發現品牌形象之「功能面」(t=2.967, p<0.01)以及「經驗面」(t=6.402, p<0.001)與購買意願有顯著的正向關係;且便利性也與購買意願具有正向關係(t=8.802, p <0.001)。在加入交互作用項後,便利性對於「功能面」及「經驗面」與購買意願之關係具有調節作用。為提升顧客購買意願,有機食品業者可加強提升有機食品品牌形象之「功能面」及「經驗面」,以及增加產品購買便利性。
Due to food safety problems, natural organic food has become popular. There were various organic food channels emerged in recent years, representing that diet health has become an important issue. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of brand image (functional, symbolic, and experience dimension) of organic foods and convenience on consumers' purchase intention, and to investigate the moderated effect of convenience on the relationship between brand image and purchase intention. The research participants were those who had purchasing experience in organic stores in Taiwan, Keelung, and Taoyuan areas. This study finally collected and analyzed 356 valid samples. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that the “functional dimension” of the brand image (t = 2.967, p <0.01) and the “experience dimension” (t = 6.402, p <0.001) had a positive relationship with the purchase intention. In addition, the convenience was also positively associated with purchase intention (t = 8.802, p < 0.001). After adding the interaction term, the convenience had a moderated effect on the relationship between "functional dimension" and "experience dimension" and purchase intention. To enhance customers' purchase intention, the organic food company can increase the "functionality and experience dimension" of the organic food brand image, as well as increase the convenience to purchase the product. |