伴隨著民眾的平均所得提高、生活型態的改變,運動風氣逐漸高漲,健康意識隨之抬頭,根據體育署調查全國人民的運動狀況,運動人口有顯著性的成長,從 2006 年的 76.9%逐年增加到 2017 年的 85.3%(教育部體育署,2017),達歷史新高。而女性運動風氣也急起直追,與男性不相上下,女性運動人口顯著成長至 85.0%,已與男性運動人口85.0%相當趨近。
The target of this research is activewear, trying to find out the motivation factor of purchase intention. Five decision factors are included in the model. Using 5 point Lik-ert scale questionnaire to do the research. Five of the decision factors have statistical significance. The first is “the sport performance value of activewear”. This research has found that customer will care about the performance value of active, for example, dry fast, keep warm, promote blood circulation, et cetera. The second is “the empirical value of activewear”, for example, the brand that one has purchased before is crosso-ver now can increase their purchase intention. The third is “consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence”, whether peers like it or not will affect customers purchase in-tention. Getting approval by buying or discussing products, and then finally purchase it.