1990 |
Approaches to industrial division of labor between Taiwan and Mainland China : The prespective of the theory og international collaboration |
唐彥博 |
2000 |
Approaches to industrial division of labor between Taiwan and Mainland China : The prespective of the theory og international collaboration |
唐彥博著 |
2007 |
Contractor's opportunistic bidding behavior and equilibrium price level in the construction market |
顔敏仁撰 |
2005 |
The correction of oral errors in the language classroom with reference to the differences experienced in ESL and EFL classes |
[鄭維琳撰] |
2010 |
Cross-Language Transfer of Reading Ability : evidence from Taiwanese Ninth-Grade Adolescents |
莊惠凱撰 |
2012 |
The decision behavior of Facebook users |
楊台寧 |
2012 |
The decision behavior of Facebook users |
楊台寧 |
2012 |
Determinants in Attracting International Students to U.S. Host States |
鄭寶菁 |
2012 |
Dynamic Gaming and Risk-Incorporated Bargaining Decision Support Model for Strategic Alliance Projects |
Taining Yang, Minren Yan[著] |
2013 |
Effects of collaborative communication on the development of market-relating capabilities and relational performance metrics in industrial markets |
陳彥君著 |
2008 |
The Effects of Pre-reading Test Questions on L2 Reading Comprehension Taken by Taiwanese Students |
蕭婉珍著 |
2004 |
The effects of technology hierarchy, technological similarity, and country-of-origin on brand extension evaluations |
莊惠閔撰 |
2008 |
Effects of the design-build delivery system on the construction industry : a market perspective |
顔敏仁等撰 |
2009 |
Evaluating Qualification-Based Selection System : A Simulation Approach |
顔敏仁等撰 |
2005 |
Evaluation of Housing Construction Strategies in China Using Fuzzy-Logic System |
顔敏仁等撰 |
2014 |
Explaining consumer attitudes and purchase intentions toward organic food : Contributions from regulatory fit and consumer characteristics |
許嘉霖等著 |
2011 |
Factors that affect customer trust in online shopping in Taiwan |
Mei-Jane Chan撰 |
2011 |
A fuzzy Logic Enhanced Bargaining Model for Business Pricing Decision Support in Joint Venture Projects |
顏敏仁著 |
2007 |
How does 'race' affect Japanese native speakers use of honorific titles |
羅素(Mayne, Russell) |
2001 |
Huber aquin ou le terrorisme ethique |
歐立文撰 |
2008 |
The Impact of WTO on International Interdependence Degree among United States, Korea and China |
林書賢等著 |
2010 |
The Implementation Of Online Learning For Esl Programs : factors and perspectives |
彭聖傑[撰] |
2009 |
Investigating Taiwanese student's use of English learning strategies |
李錦雲撰 |
2014 |
Investigation of forecasted risk interrelationship : base on GARCH model, causality in China markets |
林書賢著 |
2009 |
The language of advertisements : genre analysis |
黃文俞 |
2011 |
Native and Non-native English teacher in Taiwan : Studying of learners' perception |
楊美惠著 |
2016 |
New gratifications for social word-of-mouth spread via mobile SNSs : Uses and gratifications approach with a perspective of media technology |
林郁翔等著 |
2013-05 |
Northern taiwanese efl university instructors' perceptions toward student ratings of instruction |
陳盈伶 |
2007 |
On-line multi-criterion risk assessment model for construction joint ventures in China |
顔敏仁等撰 |
2003 |
"Our spiritual center" : Language ideology and personhood at a Chinese community heritage language school |
謝立文[撰] |
2012 |
Postcards of birds and malady |
陳盈涵 |
2007 |
Practice Makes Better? A Study of Meditation Learners in a Classroom Environment |
林建廷等撰 |
2015 |
Project-based market competition and policy implications for sustainable developments in building and construction sectors |
顔敏仁[撰] |
2011 |
The Story behing Their Quietness : A Case Study of Taiwanese Students' Passive Behaviours in Classroom Discussions |
鍾幸芷[撰] |
2009 |
A study of Individual differences and product attributes influencing counterfeit purchase intentions : an analysis of purchasing behavior or branded counterfeits |
廖田田[著] |
2011 |
Technology industrial chain between the United States, Taiwan and Japan |
林書賢等著 |
2010 |
Three essays on non-parametric pseudo random disturbance simulations and Monte Carlo approach |
林書賢著 |
2010-04 |
Uncovering the Idiom Principle in L1 and L2 Spoken English |
Ferris, Andrew |
2008 |
Undergraduate publishing education : perceptions and workforce reality in Taiwan |
何慧儀撰 |
2014 |
User Purpose Analysis for Mobile Banking Service |
林靜雯撰 |
2014 |
不同入學管道之大學生學習經驗與成效分析 |
楊玉惠撰 |
2001 |
中國文化大學商學院企業管理學系敎師升等參考著作(近五年內) |
唐彥博 |
2002 |
中國文化大學商學院企業管理學系敎師升等參考資料(五年以上) |
唐彥博 |
2005 |
中國文化大學商學院企業管理學系敎師著作送審代表著作 |
繆敏志申請 |
2012 |
中國文化大學商學院國際企業管理學系教師升等參考著作 |
楊台寧 |
2009 |
中國文化大學敎師升等助理敎授之參考著作彙 |
林瑞山著 |
2010 |
互動導向和創業導向對組織能力和績效之影響 : 理論架構和實證研究 |
陳彥君[撰] |
2012 |
企業倫理與企業國際競爭力之關係兼論倫理教育訓練之干擾影響 : 台美日在台子公司之比較 |
張秀雲[撰] |
2016 |
企業倫理與組織承諾之關係 : 兼論異文化管理之干擾效果 |
張德慧[撰] |
2003 |
信用衍生性金融商品會計問題之硏究 |
曹淑華 |