Taking babysitter in the babysitter center, “in home (the child goes to the babysitter’s home) and “on-site” babysitter (the babysitter goes to the child’s home) as the object of study, this study discusses the relation between their working pressure and leisure participation. The researcher divides working pressure into four levels: workload, work and family, job feedback, and parental interaction; meanwhile, leisure participation is divided into four types: type of outdoor activity, type of exercise and fitness, type of culture and knowledge, and type of home and media. Based on these, working pressure and leisure participation scale are compiled as research tool. The study found the following results: firstly, there is a significantly positive correlation between “parental interaction” and “type of outdoor activity” and “type of home and media”; secondly, there is a significantly positive correlation between “workload” and “type of home and media”; lastly, there is a significantly negative correlation between “work and family” and “type of exercise and fitness”. The relevant advices are given by the researcher based on the conclusion of this study. The advices include that babysitters can participate in various leisure activities, especially in fitness activities, to maintain physically fitness, that managers in the babysitter center can raise the salary and improve welfare and reduce working hours for babysitters, and that social welfare agencies can raise the salary for babysitters and reduce the ratio of babysitters to the children when they entrust social welfare institutions to conduct the babysitter centers.
Key words: working pressure leisure participation babysitter