摘要: | 不當監督(abusive supervision)吸引了研究者相當顯著的注意及興趣。不當監督定義為部屬對於主管持續地展現言語上的和非言語上的敵意行為的程度所產生之知覺,但不包括肢體的接觸。
本研究針對職場上之工作者發放400 份問卷,回收有效問卷253份,目的在探討領導與不當監督間之關係,迴歸分析發現主管的領導方式對於不當監督確實具有影響,文化差異之干擾效果是存在。本研究結果將可延伸有關於不當監督之前因理論,並提供實務方向之建議。
Among the many negative-leadership concepts proposed, abusive supervision has attracted significant research attention in the past several years. Past research for abusive supervision will focus mostly on negative consequence, only a few studies focus on abu-sive supervision antecedent variables. This study is leader of the face for workers may induce the perception of abusive supervision. In addition, in the workplace gender is the most basic of individual differences, I use gender engagement as moderators In this study, the sample includes 253 date from subordinate., this study aims to explore the re-lationship between the leadership and abusive supervision, regression analysis showed that leadership positive significant effect on abusive supervision, and the gender of the moderated model will be support. This study addresses the gap of limited understanding on the antecedents of abusive supervision and will expand the knowledge concerning abusive supervision. Based on findings of this study, implications for deterring supervi-sors’ abusive behavior in organizations are subsequently discussed. |