木鼈子(Momordica cochinchinensis)為多年生蔓性草質藤本植物,為葫蘆科(Cucurbitaceae),苦瓜屬(Momordica)的植物。中藥木鼈子具有消腫、散熱、止痛等功效,但有關木鼈子藥理學研究的文獻較少,尤其是有關木鼈子主要活性成分的製備。目前的臨床應用已肯定了中藥木鼈子具有清熱抗癌保肝等功效,然而根據先前的研究,木鼈子中的主要化學成分-皂苷是造成上述治療功效的主要原因。本研究計畫以木鼈子葉95%及50%乙醇的萃取物,針對皂苷的活性成分利用一系列色層分析方法並配合生物活性導向篩選(Bioactive-guilded fractionation)進行分離與純化,看是否能分離出新的化合物並檢驗其生物活性作用,於將木鼈子進行更進一步的利用、中醫藥現代化、以及新藥的研發都具有重要意義。
Momordica cochinchinensis is a perennial herbaceous trailing vine, Cucurbitaceae, and Momordica genus plants. Momordica cochinchinensis as Traditional Chinese medicine has functional effects, such as swelling reduction, heat dissipation, pain relief and so on. However, there’re still less pharmacological research literatures about the preparation of main active ingredient of Momordica cochinchinensis. The clinical application has affirmed currently about effects of Momordica cochinchinensis on anti-cancer and anti-inflammation. According to previous studies, the main chemical ingredient of Momordica cochinchinensis, saponin, has been found to be the primary ingredient of the treatment efficacy. In this study, we used leaves of Momordica cochinchinensis that extracted with 95% and 50% ethanol and by a series of chromatography and bioassay-directed fractionation to separate the ingredients. We’ll then use these ingredients to test their biological activities for exploring the further use of Momordica cochinchinensis, modernization of Traditional Chinese medicine and development of new drugs.