SnO2為主體以厚膜網印技術先製備第一層後,再網印一層添加觸媒Pd 及添加氧化鋁為支撐體添加觸媒形成雙層結構,及在燒結溫度為600℃下所製備的水果鮮度感測器,可降低其工作溫度至150℃。已可穩定偵測乙烯濃度範圍介於10~100ppm,且反應時間約為1分鐘。
The SnO2-based was firstly screen-printed then SnO2 doping with Pd and adding Al2O3 as supporting as second layer by screen-printing technique on the first layer was fabricated as the C2H4 gas sensor. The working temperature of the new C2H4 gas was decreased from 250℃ to 150℃. The working concentration of C2H4 was 10-100 ppm and the response time was less 1 min.