自2008年群眾募資發跡以來,每年供需市場的規模都有大幅成長。但相關數據顯示,包括台灣在內的亞洲群眾募資市場發展速度與規模並不如預期,對於群眾募資業者能否永續經營一事,形成了潛在的挑戰課題。因此,本研究希望從經營策略創新的觀點出發,透過個案分析與訪談及商業模式圖等方法,一來針對台灣群眾募資平台的現況進行整理與分析,二來針對日本村式株式會社成立的Kamacon Valley的商業模式進行研究與探討。
Crowdfunding platforms are growing in their size exponentially throughout the globe since 2008. However, Unlike the U.S. and Europe where crowdfunding has grown into a massive industry, it is yet to gain a ton of traction in Asia, including the case of Taiwan. How to help identify adjusted business models in order to retain sustainability for Taiwanese crowdfuning platforms becomes a vital issue then. Con-sequently, this thesis aims to: (1) provide an overview on the current practice and market of crowdfunding in Taiwan through literature review; and (2) benchmark how Kamacon Valley, an emerging but innovative crowdfunding platform in Japan, oper-ate and ensure sustainability through business model analysis based on interviews and documents collected by this study.
With regard to Kamacon Valley, our findings reveal that unlike a traditional revenue stream model held by most crowdfunding platforms, Kamacon Valley re-gards its crowdfunding service as a channel. More specifically, this platform plays well in two extended roles of crowdfunding: raising attention of relevant stakehold-ers on a selected purpose and aggregating resources valuable for achieving a desired goal. In other words, crowdfunding is regarded as means, rather ends in this case. Based on the above findings, implications and conclusions for those who are inter-ested in innovating the Taiwanese crowdfunding practices are made in the end of this thesis.