用場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(FESEM)觀察其結構,可以看到合成出的奈米形貌,其寬度大約在60-200 nm,長度大約數個µm;再利用高解析穿透式電子顯微鏡(HRTEM)以及選區繞射(SAD)圖形確認五氧化二釩為單晶結構,並定義其晶面方向以及成長方向為[110];更利用X光繞射儀(XRD)、X光電子能譜術(XPS)以及拉曼光譜(Raman),對其結構、成分和化學態做進一步的分析。
除此之外,我們利用光激發光譜(PL)對奈米結構在分別摻雜鋁或鎵後的變化,摻雜鋁之後的五氧化二釩奈米結構的發光位置,從原本的670 nm藍移至650 nm,而摻雜鎵的奈米結構,也從原本的670 nm 藍移至655 nm。電性量測方面,我們得知摻雜鋁的電性優於摻雜鎵後的奈米結構。
In this study, we have successfully used thermal evaporation to fabricate V2O5, Al-doped V2O5 and Ga-doped V2O5 nanostructures on silicon substrate by the VS (Vapor-Solid) mechanism.
The relevant properties were characterized by XRD, XPS and micro-Raman spectroscopy. V2O5 products were in form of nanowires with the dimension of 60-200 nm thick and several micrometers long. And (FESEM) showed that they were single-crystalline with a growth direction of [110].
The result of PL performance indicated: The pure V2O5 nanostructures exhibited an emission at 670 nm, however, both Al-doped V2O5 and Ga-doped V2O5 nanostructures would lead to a blue-shift, respectively, to 650 nm and to 655 nm. The electrical properties measured indicated that the conductance of Al-doped V2O5 nanostructures is better than that of Ga-doped V2O5.