Aging population is a global trend. Therefore, every country concerns about the health care of the elders of the senior society.
“Tien-Tan Senior Health Care Center” is the biggest nursing and rehabilitation institution of the south. In the spirit and the foundation of spreading the mercy of the god, facilitating the welfare of the society, benefiting the elders and creating a harmonious and peaceful senior society, it further develops, innovates and actively provides the services which meet the new needs of the modern senior society.
Besides providing service to the elders in the center, this institution expands their service to the meals delivery for the solitary elders and the respite care service projects entrusted by the social affairs bureau of the county governments, which benefits a lot of people.
How to provide a new vision and new service to the government when it’s making a welfare policy as to offer some new thoughts? As a social facility of front line, Tien-Tan Senior Health Care Center is an institution we can study and learn from.
As a nursing and rehabilitation institution for elders, what service do they pro-vide? What roles do they play? And what have they contributed in the senior society? By studying Tien-Tan Senior Health Care Center, this thesis intends to offer encour-agement and assistance to the health care of the senior society.