The concept of providing services are an emerging mainstream in industrial dynam-ics in recent years. Many industries regard services orientation as an important guideline, which lead to a trend of services economy. Therefore, it is crucial to research the im-portance of a tailor-made service model. The institute for information industry devel-oped the service experience engineering, assisting industries in innovation, development, and implication of new creative services for customers.
3D printing is a significant technology in 21st century. Countries worldwide have been devoting resources in the development of 3D printing, so do the industrial, aca-demic, and research areas in Taiwan. In this study, service modeling of service experi-ence engineering were implement to the behavioral intentions of internet shop users in 3D printing. The results show:
1. The users’ main behavioral intentions of internet shop services with 3D printing are OEM, 3D model download, instruction of 3D model design, and related 3D infor-mation.
2. User’s 3D printing internet shop behavioral intentions toward output quality, Volun-tariness and subjective are highly correlated, but job relevance is less correlated.