For high-technology industries, many enterprises adopt cooperation in order to make up for the deficiency of internal technology.
The semi-conductor firms which have technology strategic alliance experience are main objects of this research. We try to find out the relationship between the mo-tivation and the different kind of style of technology strategic alliance; the relation-ship between the different kind of strategic alliance and their performance; the rela-tionship between strategic alliance styles, performance and internal technological ability. We could find out following results by statistical analysis:
1. The main motivation of R & D alliance is to reduce and to share the cost; the main motivation of unilateral technology licensing alliance is to transfer and to obtain technology rapidly. The faster the technological innovation speed in the industry is, the more bilateral technological licensing strategic alliance enterprises prefer.
2. For the semi-conductor industries in Taiwan, the performance of strategic alliance, the best is bilateral technology licensing alliance, the second is R & D alliance, the last is unilateral technology licensing alliance.
3. The firms with inferior internal technology, prefer bilateral licensing strategic al-liance type. The superior the firms’ internal technology is, the superior the per-formance is.