Our career resilience study in 2012 found assets and risk factors were not opposite to each other but interdependent with each other. Base on the findings, this study will use phenomenological method to inquire into the general structure of career resilience experience resulted from the dynamic process of those factors. Furthermore, to catch the wisdom of change philosophy in Chinese culture, this study will analyze the stories from “Yi”. Finally, to understand the initiating and developing process of career resilience experience, an internet discussion group for the unemployed will be conducted. Phenomenological analyses will be used to find out the genetic structure of career resilience experience. Therefore, a two-year research project is developed. In first year, phenomenological analyses of career resilience narratives from dissertations and stories from “Yi” will be conducted to describe the general structure of career resilience experience. The findings of first year will be applied to a discussion group on the Chinese Career Net. Unemployed graduates and the dismissed middle-aged will be invited into the group. The process rules of sharing, reflecting, and restating stories in narrative group will be adapted to help members develop their own experience and narratives about resilience in unemployment. Phenomenological analyses of internet discussion will be applied to describe the genetic structure of career resilience experience.