企業透過顧客參與為行為進而和顧客共同創造更佳的服務價值為近年來行銷文獻上的 一個重要觀念。在和顧客共同創造價值的過程中,銷售人員扮演一個相當關鍵的角色。 然而,目前僅有少數研究針對顧客參與對銷售人員行為和績效之影響進行研究,也造成 了組織在發展顧客參與上的知識缺口。有鑑於此,本研究計畫將從行銷和一般管理的文 獻中發展一個觀念性架構說明顧客參與的兩大構面(顧客資訊分享和顧客共同生產)對 於銷售人員在工作認知和銷售行為之影響,並且進一步解釋顧客參與對銷售人員情感態 度和銷售績效表現之影響關聯性,更確切來說,本研究計畫認為「顧客資訊分享」和「顧 客共同生產」對於銷售人員在工作認知和銷售行為表現有不同之影響效果。另一方面, 本研究計畫進一步說明顧客參與對於銷售人員工作表現的影響會受到組織內部正式和 非正式管理機制所影響,亦即,本研究認為組織可透過發展適切的銷售控制系統、組織 氣候來強化顧客參與對於銷售人員所造成的正面效果並減少顧客參與對於銷售人員所 造成的負面效果。本計畫研究人員相信研究發現將可對行銷和一般管理領域在理論和管 理實務觀念上做出重要的貢獻。 Over the recent decade, customer participation in the value co-creation process has received a great amount of research attention. Occupying a boundary-spanner position, salespeople play a critical role in developing and maintaining relational exchanges with customers in the value co-creation process. However, to date, only a small group of researchers has examined possible impacts of customer participation on salesperson job-related outcomes in industrial markets. Hence, this study draws on marketing and management literature to propose a conceptual framework articulating the influences of two dimensions of customer participation (customer participation in information provision and customer participation in coproduction) on salesperson’s cognitive (i.e., role ambiguity, role conflict, and role overload) and behavioral variables (i.e., sales planning, adaptive selling and selling effort) and the links between customer participation and salesperson’s attitudinal and performance outcomes. More specifically, this research argues that customer participation in information provision (CPIP) and customer participation in coproduction (CPC) have different effects on salesperson’s cognitive and behavioral variables, which in turn influence salesperson attitudinal and performance outcomes. On the other hand, this study further articulates that the linkages between customer participation and salesperson job-related outcomes are contingent on informal and formal controls of an organization. That is, organizations may enhance the beneficial effects of customer participation and mitigate the detrimental effects of customer participation on salesperson job-related outcomes by developing appropriate sales control systems and organizational climates. It is believed that the findings of this study can provide important theoretical and managerial implications in the marketing and management areas.