摘要: | 近年來,餐旅服務業面臨極激烈之競爭,而面臨全球化及專業技術日新月異,使得 企業體需掌握知識創造與技術創新方能立足於競爭環境。因此企業之國際化人士其跨 文化素養亦顯得重視;故無論於商務實務或學術研究上,不可或言地,國際人力資源 跨文化管理已然愈發重要(Adler, 1991; Blunt & Richard, 1993; Moran, Harris, & Moran 2010)。然而,一般之餐飲管理教育研究,僅多著眼於服務導向之管理議題,鮮少專注 於檢視餐飲服務跨文化管理或其課程規劃與系統議題;有鑑於此,本研究初步將調查 餐旅碩士較於系統中其跨文化相關管理課程與系統評估項目,繼而探索其課程之概念 優缺點與跨文化管理教育之需求與表現。另外,將針對餐旅碩士生進行深入訪談以進 行資料之比較分析;最後根據研究結果,以期對餐旅碩士之跨文化管理課程提出具體 意見。 In recent decades, the hospitality industry has faced intense competition, globalization and the explosion of technology; which gives businesses that have techniques of knowledge creation and innovation domination in competitive environments. The internationalization of business has led to a significant increase in the cross-cultural interactions of business people and firms. Cross-cultural International Human Resource Management has been growing importance, both in the field and in the academic literature (Adler, 1991; Blunt and Richard, 1993; Moran, Harris, & Moran, 2010). However, researches seeking to examine service-oriented human resources lies only with the hospitality organization, but little focus on the system of hospitality management education. Therefore, this study will investigate the cross-cultural management curricular of hospitality master education and reports the initial findings for a qualitative research project undertaken for an assessment of the master education system. The concept and the needs of hospitality cross-cultural management education are explored an their struggle for identity is described. Furthermore, the graduates’ views on hospitality cross-cultural management education that they received will be examined through in-depth interviews. Finally, based on the research findings, a number of conclusions will be drown and specific suggestions for the future of the cross-cultural hospitality management education are proposed. |