研究文本的選擇上,以「選戰現場」競選影集、Open Taipei城市概念專輯、Open Taipei城市音樂會、Facebook粉絲團與部落格這五項,此競選影集有別於傳統選戰的作法,同時,它也是蘇貞昌爭奪市長寶座這一場戰役的縮影;城市概念專輯與音樂會是一體的,其內容有相互覆蓋的特質,從這兩者有助於理解候選人是如何形塑視野;再者,本研究運用幻想主題作為分析工具,在幻想主題當中其一重要的概念,便是團體成員共享的幻想主題被不斷的覆誦和「鍊連」(chain-out)。此一行為關係著團體成員是否已將戲劇化的論述內容內化為團體共識,因此本研究試圖藉由部落格與Facebook粉絲團一窺蘇貞昌與選民之間在符號上共同創造出來的幻想主題與集體思想,進而整理出語藝視野和觀看世界的方式。
In the 2010 Taipei mayor campaign,Su Tseng Chang expected to communicat with voters and generated collective consensus by election propaganda. This paper aims to analyze Su’s fans for example and focuses on their interpersonal communication from a rhetorical perspective.What is the fantasy theme in the ‘’Open campaign’’relative episodes, city music concert, blog and Facebook?What is the rhetorical vision between Su and fans?Moreover,how do they explain social reality?
According to the research, the Su and fans rhetorical vision are include ‘’No Su Tseng Chang no Taipei city’’ and ‘’KMT is corruption.They believe Su is ideal mayor and no matter other people criticize their action they have a way to convince each other.