The purpose of this study in the discuss. The poeration transfer possibilty and customer satisfaction of Fu-Lin elementary school. Hope the results can be used as the road map to Taipei elementary and junior high schools. The questionnaire survey and interview are used in the study. Our result indicates the gender of participants are signiticant. Women rate higher than men in this study. The findings also show that most of the participant using pool frequency are “half to below year”. As the following satisfaction degree priority, 1. Environmental Health and Safety, 2. Attitude of Staff, 3. Pricing and Promotion event, 4. Location and Facility’s service, 5. Water quality management and Facility’s maintenance, 6. Corporate Image and Atmosphere of exercise. The customer satisfaction shows who is higher than the other, in which age between 41-50, vocation in service industry, high school or Technical and Vocational degree. Suggestion: This research only study for one swimming pool club’s (O.T) customer. It is possible to compare the other type’s club customers' participating behavior and customer satisfaction.