This study aimed at examining whether restatements that adversely affect share-holder wealth at restating firms induce negative stock price reactions among firms that have directors who sit on the board of the restating firms. We argue that restatements at a firm can cause investors to perceive the directors of the restating firms as having low quality in monitoring the financial reporting of the restating firms. To the extent that investors alter their perceptions of the financial statements issued by the contagion firms, the stock prices of the contagion firms should move in a direction consistent with that of the restating firms. We also examine whether the contagion effect of restatements through common directorships varies if the contagion firm has CEO duality or if the tainted director act as the independent director of the contagion firm.
We identify our sample of contagion firms based on the names of the directors who sit on the board of firms that announced restatements during the 1990-2011 peri-ods. Consistent with our expectations. In the multivariate analyses, we find that the abnormal returns are lower if the contagion firm has CEO duality. But if the tainted director acts as independent director of the contagion firm, the result is not statistically significant.