摘要: | 近年來由於工程專案日漸大型化與複雜化,且各種不同性質之工程界面多,以致愈來愈多的工程無法由單一廠商獨力完成,廠商採共同投標或策略性分包合作之策略聯盟已成為現代營建業之重要經營模式。策略聯盟廠商在合作時之兩項重要課題,即是合作雙方工作範圍的切割及報酬的分配。通常工作範圍的切割多與廠商之專業有關,較容易達成協議,但是就報酬部份,因合作雙方皆處於爭取自我利潤最大化的衝突之下,使得雙方之議價成為一項相當重要但深具挑戰性之過程。然而目前在實務上對於價格協定的方式與原則尚缺乏有一套較為系統性之輔助工具或模式以評估廠商之報價是否合理。常見的反而是廠商在議價過程中的自相矛盾或不一致性,導致對議價結果之不滿意而影響合作關係。因此,在議價時如何推估雙方之合理報酬並訂定己方之價格,以滿足雙方之合作需求,促成雙贏之局面,遂為策略聯盟廠商之關鍵課題。為解決前述問題,本研究將結合理論與實務需求以建立一套廠商議價決策支援系統。以「動態賽局理論」作為問題分析之基礎,並導入「資源依賴理論」與「情境理論」之觀點,探討廠商議價決策時之考量因素,最後將運用「模糊邏輯」將廠商之議價決策因素及成本資料轉換為廠商議價時之定價建議並搭配實務案例進行探討。本研究成果可用於探討合作廠商於不同的工程需求度與資源依賴關係等情況下,雙方可能之出價情況及議價均衡解,以作為廠商設定底價與擬定報價策略之參考。同時因本研究將議價問題之模式化,亦有助於被廠商運用於日後的經驗學習與商業知識傳承。相對於國際間知名期刊研究中,本研究首創運用賽局理論及模糊邏輯推導出可以依廠商成本及專案需求度來推算合理報酬之模型,並提供實務上之應用範例。同時,為拓展本研究之應用普及性,本研究亦嘗試考量跨國專案合作風險,探索將風險因素納入合理報酬推算之可能性,強化延伸本研究之具體深度與廣度。以上之研究成果將有助於策略聯盟廠商合作與議價過程中,維持成本與報酬理性推算基礎,提高協議機會並促成雙贏專案。
Owing to the increasing complexity and size of construction projects, the construction market and environment becomes more challenging and a single company can no more manage a complex project and satisfy owner’s needs alone. The strategic alliance between companies, which are equipped with different specialties, becomes a critical business model to obtain competitive advantages so as to survive in the fiercely competing market.While two profit-oriented companies intend to cooperate and form a strategic alliance for a particular project, it is relatively easy to divide the work scope based on each party’s specialty, but, always difficult to reach an agreement in terms of sharing risks and rewards. Since companies are seeking to maximize their own profits in the course of executing the project, conflicts between a strategic alliance team and the bargaining are inevitable. However, in practices, few rational models are available to assist companies in resolving the bargaining problem. Thus, to satisfy both parties, a bargaining decision support system (BDSS) is indeed needed for estimating the rewards of the cooperative parties and is crucial for enhancing the possibility of a win-win situation and the success of reaching an agreement in the bargaining.Based on Dynamics Game Theory, this research is designed to discover the bargaining decision factors heuristically anchored in the minds of decision makers. Then, the discovered bargaining decision factors will be used to develop a bargaining game model to examine the equilibrium prices under various conditions. Fuzzy set theory will also be adopted to deal with the problem of linguistic variables and judgments in the numerical analysis and data transformation of this research. The research results can assist companies, who intend to form a strategic alliance, to select a proper bargaining strategy. In addition, the proposed BDSS, which is a structured model, can also enhance the learning of business lessons and knowledge accumulations. The research results are also acknowledged and published in international prestigious journals with SSCI/SCI/EI index. |