企業的互動導向為近年來行銷文獻上的一個重要觀念,企業可透過互動導向的運用有效 地和顧客共同創造價值,並且進而提升企業的持久競爭優勢。然而,互動導向在過去的 文獻上大多被聚焦於顧客關係的觀點,對於互動導向在新產品開發的影響卻少有研究去 探討。因此,有鑒於顧客互動在新產品開發的重要性,本研究計畫將從行銷和策略管理 的文獻中發展一個觀念性架構說明企業互動導向對於新產品發展績效的影響。在本計畫 所提出的觀念性架構中,本計畫研究人員認為互動導向可有效地強化企業的市場行銷能 力,並且透過市場行銷能力的強化而有效提升企業在新產品發展上的績效表現(產品創 新性和產品開發速度)。此外,本計畫研究人員認為企業互動導向對於市場行銷能力的 強化效果會受到企業外在環境不確定性以及企業和顧客互動模式所影響。針對本研究計 畫提出的研究模型和假說也將利用問卷調查的方式針對台灣電子產業廠商進行調查,本 計畫研究人員相信研究發現將可對行銷和新產品開發展領域在理論和管理實務觀念上 做出重要的貢獻。 Interaction orientation is an emerging concept for organizations to keep sustainable competitive advantage by co-creating value with customers. Yet, the potential of interaction orientation has been only investigated in the customer relationship perspective. The potential of interaction orientation to aid in new product development has been overlooked. Given the importance of customer interaction in new product development, this study draws on marketing and strategic management literature to propose a conceptual framework articulating how a firm’s interaction orientation affects product development performance metrics. More specifically, this framework indicates that interaction orientation positively affects market-relating capabilities, which in turn positively influence product development performance metrics (i.e. product innovativeness and product development speed). In addition, this study suggests that the linkage between interaction orientation and market-relating capabilities is contingent on interactive approaches of a firm and external environmental uncertainties. Furthermore, the research model and hypotheses of this study are designed to examine with survey data obtained from Taiwan’s electronics industry. It is believed that the findings of this study can provide important theoretical and managerial implications in the marketing and NPD areas.