Tourism industry is one of the most popular industries in the world. According to past literature, the main overseas travel form in Asia is the group package tour. And Taiwan since 2000, due to promote two-day weekend policy and the impact of global-ization, making the foreign tourists has increased steadily, therefore the need of profes-sional leaders which are carrying out leading group tourist to travel business is relative enhancing And there are more and more people go into this industry. According to in-ternational research, people who go into a career, they tend to get professional knowl-edge required by a professional socialization. Therefore, this study focuses on the rela-tionship among the professional socialization, knowledge transfer and adaptive per-formance for tour leaders.
In this study, the SPSS 18.0 statistical analysis software to quantify the statistical analysis, the samples of this study include 327 tour leaders in Taipei. Research results are expected: (a) Professional socialization has significant positive effect on adaptive performance for tour leaders. (b) Knowledge transfer has significant positive effect on adaptive performance for tour leaders. (c) Professional socialization has significant pos-itive effect on knowledge transfer for tour leaders.