The most popular idol drama in 2010 “Fierce Wife”not only give a big wave to high rating on TV in Taiwan, but also being fully discussed on marriage and communication between female and male. The idol drama talked about love, marriage and affairs. We decide to analyze the reason, motivation, role and content recognition to the people who watched the drama. At the same time we also try to know the transition between audience and their connection.
We worked with Focus group on the population who is under Unversity audience. Through the internet, the biggest bulletin board system (BBS), PPT, and relative personal blogs, suitable people are not only volunteered taking the interview with us but also willing to participate to share a discussion between role-recognition, and how the drama influenced them. The research will be group on 4.
After the drama had been broadcasting on TTV, The mistress wave is not only throughout each family, but also the word “mistress “being used as classic quotes. When the affair story is so popular and widespread, it reflects not just the problem our society might have, but where they came from. In additional, how audience is being effected and how audience’s preference caused by each roles and how they played to the story. At the last for all, we will clarify the connection between audience and the text and with the conclusion we are humble to provide the new concept and direction for audience.