This study empirically examines the relationship between employee benefits and workplace deviance behavior. In addition, this paper speculates that task uncertainty, charismatic leadership and innovative organizational culture moderate the association between employee benefits and workplace deviance behavior as perceived by con-tact-customer employees.
The data is composed of service contact-employees and is collected by 350 ques-tionnaires. Customer contact-employees were asked about their levels of employee ben-efits, workplace deviance behavior, and psychological contract. Of all samples, many different service firms responded by returning at least one questionnaire from an em-ployee (a total of 329 questionnaires); of these, seven employees were unusable because they were incomplete. Completed questionnaires were returned by 322 con-tact-employees (92% response rate).
Finally, the results indicate that employee benefits is negatively related to work-place deviance behavior. In addition, employee benefits has a positive influence on psychological contract, psychological contract has negatively influence on workplace deviance. The mediating effects of psychological contract towards the understanding of employee benefits and workplace deviance behavior. The theoretical: The paper can answer the research problem. The practical: Practical suggestions and future suggestions are also provided.