The relationship between diversity and innovation has been a controversial issue for decades. Some studies have shown that diversity can increase innovation in groups, while other studies have shown the different and opposite results. Diversity is like a coin which has both advantages and disadvantages on different sides. The effect on di-versity and innovation is still unclear like a blackbox to discover.
In this study, we divide diversity into three parts: informational diversity, so-cial-category diversity, and value diversity. Then we examine the relationship between diversity and innovative behavior directly and indirectly through team-member ex-change among 215 people of 39 project teams in cultural and creative industries.
The result shows that informational diversity is strongly and positively related to innovative behavior, but not strong positively related to innovative behavior through team-member exchange. Social-category diversity is unrelated to innovative behavior even through team-member exchange. Value diversity is strongly and negatively re-lated to innovative behavior directly and indirectly through team-member exchange.
Above all, team-member exchange has no mediating effect on neither informa-tional diversity and innovative behavior nor social-category diversity and innovative behavior. In the opposite, team-member exchange has partcial mediating effect on val-ue diversity and innovative behavior.