There is a global trend to utilize various projects for better work performance and the project oriented work packages have been widely observed in different organizations and industries. Even in the school organizations, projects and project management methodology have been regarded as a solution to break the bottleneck of the traditional administration process. However, project managers and participants were generally not able to well understand the characteristics of school projects and the interactive influences from project variables, such as work loading, available human resources, work schedule and relevant quality standards. Thus, the aforementioned dynamic complexity of school projects can cause project failures.
By using systems thinking, this study proposes a causal loop diagram to analyze the school evaluation projects, which can assist project participants to better understand the interactive relationships between different project variables so that the problem can be properly handled. For the purpose of case study, a questionnaire survey on a school evaluation has been conducted on the high school and college level to analyze the in herent challenges and solutions in a benchmarked school project.
Keywords: school organization, project management, systems thinking, school evaluation