This research aims to understand the influence of fruits and vegetables 's education on knowledge and intake of fruits and vegetables for elementary school children.This research adopts the non-random purposive sampling techniqueand uses the fourth grade children of elementary school in Taoyuan County to be the objects of study.There were116 students in total and were divided into experimental group and control group .Each group has 58 students.Two groups of children are receiving pre-test, only the experimental group took a four-week and eight units of fruit and vegetable education program, after the end of the course, two groups of children accept the post-test. The KR-20 of this study about the fruits and vegetables knowledge is 0.77.The Cronbach's α of this study about the fruits and vegetables intake part is 0.95.This study used ANCOVA analyses the experimental results, the researchers found that the study of fruits and vegetables education interventions toward theknowledge and intake of fruits and vegetables in elementary school students as follows:
(1) The impact on fruits and vegetables knowledge
Experimental group and control group on post-test knowledge score of fruits and vegetables were 11.07 and 8.87, experimental group’s score higher than the control group, and showed significant differences. (2)The impact on vegetables intake
Experimental group and control group on post-test scores of vegetables intake was 2.74 points and 2.83 points, experimental group’s score lower than the control group, but did not reach statistically significant difference.
(3) The impact on fruits intake
Experimental group and control group on post-test scores of fruits intake were 3.22 points 3.22 points, two groups’s score are the same, but due to the experimental group and control group measured by the pre-test of homogeneity is different quality, so no further analysis of covariance, the statistics can not be verified.