Among the Internet resources for English language teaching and learning, TESLL Discussion List, with her richest archives and vivid discussions, is best known to English teachers. Recently, another virtual place, TAPPED IN, has been established with even more powerful functions than TESL-L. It can support asynchronous and synchronous discussions in addition to its rich resources. For the last five years, it has gradually won its reputation from many users, especially teachers and educators of many school subjects across different countries. English teachers in USA and Europe have adopted this place as part of their teaching platform and professional development forum, and they have commented with their appreciation how they have been greatly benefited. This paper attempts to introduce TAPPED IN to EFL teachers in Taiwan, with the hope that they can get help from it as well. A brief introduction together with how TAPPED IN can be used for English language teaching and learning is given in the paper. Some suggestions on how ESL/EFL teachers can use this place for their teaching and professional development are also offered.