YIG(Y3Fe5O12)為磁光元件與磁記憶等科技之重要材料,其中尤以薄膜型式應用最為廣泛。YIG薄膜常以脈衝雷射蒸鍍(pulsed laser deposition,簡稱PLD)方式製備。本文詳述以脈衝雷射蒸鍍法成長YIG薄膜於GGG(Gd3Ga5O12)(111)與GGG(110)基板的完整過程,其中包括PLD系統簡介、實驗方法與步驟、以及樣品分析等;而鍍製於基板上之薄膜,經X-光繞射分析後,確認其為YIG(111)及YIG(110)。
YIG(Y3Fe5O12) is a garnet material with broad applications in magneto-optical and memory devices, and the application are mostly in the form of thin films. YIG thin films are often prepared by the technique of Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD). This paper describes the detailed procedure of dedepositing YIG thin films onto GGG(Gd3Ga5O12)(111) and GGG(110) substrates by PLD. The content consists of PLD system description, experimental procedures, and sample analysis. X-ray diffraction analysis confirms that the final products on GGG(111) and GGG(110) are YIG(111) and YIG(110) thin films, respectively.