摘要: | 近年來隨著經濟發展,人們在獲取資訊的來源上更趨多元與便利,也讓消費者搜尋與取得產品的通路也更多元化,消費者在眾多通路中,可能產生通路偏好;通路偏好係指消費者,依其購物經驗、個人特質或環境因素,而導致購物地點喜好之不同。消費者會根據不同的理由深入了解想購買的產品,或產品的行銷通路,轉而購買其他產品,或更換另家通路購買;此為行銷活動常見之事。本研究以通路偏好為自變項、轉換行為為依變項、產品涉入為中介變項。研究以一般大眾作為研究對象,並以服飾商品作為問卷詢問標的產品,採隨機抽樣方式發送問卷。
研究結果如下:1.消費者通路偏好對轉換行為有顯著正向影響,但偏好非業務人員通路的影響力較大;2. 消費者通路偏好對產品涉入有顯著正向影響,而偏好非業務人員通路的影響力較大;3. 消費者產業涉入對轉換行為有顯著正向影響,在產品涉入的「產品誤購」與「產品象徵價值」二構面,均具有顯著正向影響力;4.消費者產品涉入在通路偏好對轉換行為影響關係中,具有中介效果。本研究對研究發現與討論、領域之理論與實務意涵、研究限制與未來研究等,均於文中予以探討。
關鍵字: 通路偏好(channel preference),轉換行為(switching be-havior),產品涉入(product involvement)
With the economic development in recent years, people get more diverse sources of information and convenience, Also allow consumers to search and obtain a product of the pathway are also more diversified, Consumers in many pathways, may have access preferences; Channel preference refers to consumers, according to their shopping expe-rience, personal characteristics or environmental factors, which led to different shopping preferences. Depending on the reason consumers want to buy-depth understanding of products, or products, marketing channels and then purchase other products, or replace the purchase of another home pathway; This is a matter of common marketing activities.
In this study, channel preference as independent variables, migration behavior as the dependent variable, product involvement as a mediator. Research to the general pub-lic as an object of study, and the questionnaire asked the subject of apparel products, using random sampling method to send the questionnaire.
The results are as follows: 1. Consumer channel preference of a significant positive influence on switching behavior, but the preferred pathway of non-business people in-fluential; 2. The consumer channel preference and product involvement has a significant positive effect, while the preferred pathway of non-business people influential; 3. The consumer industry involvement on a significant positive effect on switching behavior, involvement in the product "product mistakenly purchased" and "symbolic value of products," two dimensions, all have significant positive effects; 4. Consumer product involvement in the channel of preference relations on the switching behavior, with in-termediate results.
In this study, and discussion of findings, the field of theoretical and practical im-plications, limitations and future research, are to be discussed in the text.
Keywords: channel preference, switching behavior, product involvement |