本研究以重視客戶名單的電銷業為例,以電銷業的交易資料庫,使用RFM作為客戶分群,並針對企業特性將其中的M(購買金額)改為AvgM(平均交易金額),以避免新顧客因購買次數過少、購買金額過低,而忽略其重要性。找出相似消費模式的客戶群後,針對相似消費模式,運用資料探勘(Data Mining)的關聯規則(Association Rule)進行挖掘,求得關聯規則後,進行商品推薦。
With the growth of modern society, highly development of information technology, and the fast spread of the Internet, the keys to surpass are knowing , satisfying the cus-tomers, and increasing the royalty in highly competitive market. For an enterprise, to divide customers into groups by similar characteristics and to provide the merchandise combinations which meet the demand can increase customer satisfaction and royalty. Therefore the enterprise is able to capture maximum profit. The marketing and sales units are able to grab maximum benefit.
This research takes the example of telemarketing industry who gives weight to the name list marketing. RFM is used to group the customers who are listed in the transac-tion database of telemarketing industry. It also takes the characteristic of the company into account and replaces M (purchase amount of money) with AvgM (Average pur-chase amount of money) in order to know the importance of new customers who have less purchase frequency and less purchase amount of money. After finding out the cus-tomers’ group which has similar purchasing pattern, we can target at similar purchasing pattern and utilize the association rules of data mining to dig out association rules. Then we can have the recommendation of merchandises.
This research aims at different customer groups and recommends different mer-chandises. It not only provides telemarketing industry differentiation marketing for dif-ferent customer groups, but also provides telemarketing better conversation rate and in-crease the profit for telemarketing industry. In the same time, it can use more lists and increase the conversation numbers. Telemarketing industry won’t be limited by best customer groups.