本文嘗試解讀現典藏於高雄市立歷史博物館的一件清嘉慶年間漢番典契,此漢番典契係由西拉雅平埔族新港社婦人與漢人所立的典契。本文藉由解析此漢番文契約內容,比較新港文契與漢文契,試圖找出典契所蘊含的現實社會意義,及相關的現象。 This article attempts to decipherment a manuscript for pawn contract during the Qing period, it was book reservation at municipal Kao-hsiung History Museum. By the way of detail analysis the content of this object, also compare the correlation with Sin-kang manuscript and Han manuscript. The author tried to figure out interpretation of the realistic social meaning and related phenomenon within the object.