題名: | 華盛頓會議中英、美對華政策 Britain, America and their China Policies at the Washington Conference, 1921- 1922 |
作者: | 林雅青 |
貢獻者: | 史學研究所 |
關鍵詞: | 華盛頓會議 英日同盟 九國公約 四國協定 治外法權 關稅自主 山東問題 軍火禁運 Washington Conference Tariff Autonomy Open Door Policy Extraterritoriality Arms Embargo the Twenty- One Demands Shantung Q |
日期: | 2006 |
上傳時間: | 2014-06-09 11:08:13 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 歐戰期間,日本趁機侵略中國,山東問題及二十一條問題因而產生。戰後在威爾遜十四點和平原則的影響下,國際間瀰漫著和平與正義的氣氛,召開巴黎和會,並在和會中建立國際聯盟。但是巴黎和會未能根據公正之原則處置戰後問題,美國國會因山東問題拒絕批准凡爾賽和約,而美國一貫對華之「門戶開放」政策,與日本對華之擴張政策衝突,美、日間之國交並非友善,海軍軍備競賽持續進行,兩國間之衝突日益表面化。對英國而言,其國力因大戰嚴重耗損,已無力保持獨尊之勢,除了必須面對美國之崛起,更要應付迅速擴張之日本,重新檢討遠東政策勢在必行,尤其是英日同盟的廢存問題,該同盟不僅是秘密結盟之舊外交象徵,與戰後國際民主主義不符,更意味著美、日一旦兵戎相見,英國有助日攻美的可能。因此英國於1921年6月之帝國會議中,決議推舉美國出面召集一太平洋會議,一方面解決英日同盟續約問題,另一方面以和平方式安排英、日、美在遠東,尤其是在中國之利益衝突。關於美、日遠東政策之衝突與軍備持續擴充之問題,美國參議員波拉(William E. Borah)提出海軍刪減計劃(Naval Bill),請美國總統召集海軍縮減會議,並於1921年5月由美國國會通過。而有意問鼎世界政局牛耳之美國更樂於接受英國之推舉,出面邀集與遠東有關各國於1921年11月在華盛頓開會。
The Washington Conference, opened on November 12,1921, was the greatest diplomatic gathering ever held in the United States up to that time. The aims of the conference were twofold:limitation of naval armaments and Pacific and Far Eastern Problems. The Committees of the Whole were two in number, the one devoted to the matters of armament, and the other to Pacific and Far Eastern Questions.
The preliminaries to the Washington Conference was primarily concerned with the future relations of America, Britain, and Japan as far as their China policies were concerned. The menace of naval armaments lay chiefly in the competition between the United States and Japan; and the competition sprang out of their rivalry over China. Besides, the British government, being too exhausted to cope with the Far Eastern question after the World War I, resolved to establish a rapprochement with the United States over Chinese policy and the specific issue of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance.
The Chinese delegation presented the western powers with a program for revision of the unequal treaties—that is, the treaties setting Chinese tariff, and the treaties providing for extraterritoriality. In addition, the Chinese wished to get the Japanese out of Shantung. But the Japanese delegation would not co-operate on either disarmament or the Alliance until they reassured that Japan’s “special interests” in China were recognized. The Chinese program and the attitude of the Japanese delegation made the negotiations unusually difficult. Britain and the United States were placed in a quandary. As a result, Britain and America compromised with Japan and reached agreements with each other. Most of the compromises were at China’s expense.
The Washington Conference came formally to an end on the morning of February 6,1922. The Four Power Treaty replaced the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, which had existed for nearly twenty years. The Five Power Treaty halted the threatened naval arms race. The Nine Power Treaty aimed to secure theoretical adherence to the principles of the open door. The problems settled at the conference were those impeded foreign co-operation in China, not those impeded Chinese sovereignty. The resolutions of the conference called for the Powers to maintain the Open Door while giving China an opportunity to resolve its difficulties and develop a stable government. |
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