摘要: | 本研究想了解中國時報、聯合報及自由時報三報,在處理第四次修憲新聞的相關報導及評論時,如何使用不同論述手法,形塑修憲議題。同時,他們所選擇的處理方式,又顯示出何種深層次的詮釋問題。
研究發現,在第四次修憲期間,各政治勢力所傳達的政治論述,媒體是透過選擇或不選擇,與這些政治論述相構連或相對抗。也就是在報導中呼應著政治勢力的修憲相關主張,及其所代表的政治意涵。同時,媒體所再現相關的政治論述,也都與媒體本身的意識形態有著極大的關係。這種三報在修憲論述上,所再現出新聞媒體之間的競爭和觀點上的差異,形成公共領域的分裂。使得整個修憲過程,可以很明顯的看到媒體的涉入,透過對新聞文本的種種論述策略,不僅進行「議題設定」,並予以「框架」化,使得修憲議題在所有權影響新聞產制過程 This research is aimed at finding out from the following three newspapers: The China Times, The United Daily News and The Liberty Times when reporting on the relevant news and reviews of the fourth Constitution Amendment and how the methods of expositions are used to craft the Constitution Amendment issues on the news report. Furthermore, how the methods of handling are chosen will indicate the degree of the explanatory comments.
This research is based on history analysis, in-depth interviews, content analysis and discourse analysis; in the way the news contents of the fourth Constitution Amendment from the named three presses are handled. Of which to comprehend further the struggles among the power of the politics, the power of the society and the power of the knowledge behind the reporting which has come to a cross sword situation that is fighting against each other under such amendment issues.
According to the statistics, the three major presses were highly regarded in the news of the Constitution Amendment. There were 2437 related news articles and reports on such issue. And it was given weight to a degree as the procedure of the Constitution Amendment once was strengthened and the news article will be placed on the crucial printing order like the second front page on the distinct space of the whole page such as on the upper right for the relevant news to be placed. The issues that were reported by three major presses on the Constitution Amendment were based on the ranking of the Province government, whether to amend the constitution, the agenda of National Assembly and the direction of the constitution structure and the like.
As to the expositions of the Constitution Amendment from the press, from the positioning of the Constitution Amendment, there were debating issues from the system exposition of the China Times, the conspiracy exposition of the United Daily News and the localized exposition of the Liberty Times; over the issue of constitution system was the Liberty Times advocating presidential system, and the parliamentary system addressed by the United Daily News and the discussions over the differences of the semi-presidential system. As to the issue of frozen Province and it was interpreted in different views; the China Times inclined more on the exposition of “ efficiency improvement,” the United Daily News put emphasis on the analysis of “power fight,” and the Liberty Times handled with “political symbols.” On the issue of the Constitution Amendment, the two parties were the exposition contrasts which were described between the negotiation and bribe sharing. As to the exposition contrasts, the former President, Lee, Teng-Hui portrayed as a democratic criminal and a pioneer reformer. James Soong who was mentioned as a tragic heroism figure and a shameless politician.
Through this research that has discovered: during the fourth Constitution Amendment, from the political expositions which conveyed political powers, the news media were consciously practice between to choose or not to choose, to agree to not agree with the said political discourse. In other words, it was to echo the agenda of the Constitution Amendment of the political power in the news report and to represent the political meaning underneath. At the same time, the way the media expressed its stand in the related areas of the political exposition was greatly connected with the media and its own political ideology. The news reports on the issues of the Constitution Amendment from three presses were representing the competitions among the news media and the diverseness on the point of views that caused the split up in the public domain. And in the whole process of the Constitution Amendment, apparently, the news media were involved deeply, through the tactful strategy of all kind of commentaries from the news culture, it was manipulated with “setting up issues,” and to “frame in,” therefore, the media become the central voice during the Constitution Amendment that was solely affect the ground of being objective over the whole reporting process. Hence the objective of the news report structure from the news media was not neutral enough and the public role of the news media can not be fulfilled. |