This study aims to understand the relations among leisure participation, crime hot spot and deviant behavior of adolescents who are accepting the protection control. There were 176 accepting protection control adolescents surveyed. The following are the conclusions:
I. On choosing the leisure types, the audiovisual activity is participated in mostly by the accepting protection control adolescents. On choosing the leisure time, 18-21 o’ clock get the highest percentages.
II. “Shihlin Night Market, Ximenting, Lingang Night Market, Raohe Night Market” are the crime hot spots where the accepting protection control adolescents most often go. “Stores and restaurants” and “markets, night markets, street vender’s stalls” are the crime hot places where they most often fool around. The feelings that they feel most about these crime places are “the police may often make a raid on these places” and “there are more people in the deep night and that will have more fun.”
III. The accepting protection control adolescents have the deviant behaviors mostly in the places which forbid the adolescents who are not more than 18 years old to enter.
IV. On choosing the leisure types, the female adolescents choose the audiovisual activity more than the males; the males participate in the sport activity and the Internet activity much more than the females.
V. On choosing the leisure types, the adolescents of the intermediate social status choose the audiovisual activity more than the adolescents of the high and the low social status. Adolescents of the low social status choose the Internet activity more than those of the intermediate and the high social status.
VI. In the leisure time or the holidays, the accepting protection control adolescents more than 18 years old participate in the leisure activity later than the adolescents of 12-15 years old; adolescents who do not work or go to school participate in the leisure activity later than adolescents who are studying the junior high school.
VII. The female adolescents who are accepting the protection control go to the crime hot places and spots more often than the male adolescents.
VIII. The 12-15 year-old adolescents who are accepting the protection control have more deviant behaviors than adolescents more than 18 years old.
IX. There is a positive correlation between the deviant behavior and the crime hotspots, crime hot places, the leisure place context.
X. During the weekdays, accepting protection control adolescents go to the crime hotspots later.
XI. It has effects on their deviant behaviors if the 12-15 year-old adolescents who are accepting the protection control often go to the crime hotspot.
According to the above conclusions, this study would like to provide some suggestions:
I. For preventing the accepting protection control adolescents from committing crimes again: (a) increase the control of the leisure places. (b) offer suggestions to counsel adolescents who are accepting the protection control. (c) offer suggestions to the families of adolescents who are accepting the protection control. (d) enhance the adolescents’ positive attitudes toward the leisure activity by means of the mass media.
II. For enhancing adolescents’ leisure welfare: (a) establish the policy on adolescents’ leisure welfare based on their needs. (b) connect the non-government resources to offer the services to adolescents’ leisure welfare. (c) strengthen the delivery system of adolescents’ leisure welfare. (d) create the form of community to provide leisure welfare service. (e) build the information transfer system for the adolescents. (f) suggest revising the child and youth welfare services to enhance adolescent’ leisure welfare.