佛瑞(Gabriel Fauré, 1845-1924)的創作生涯可謂是一個獨特的音樂發展過程,橫跨了十九世紀末與二十世紀初。這一時期的音樂界,正經歷著從浪漫主義到印象派、從古典傳統到現代音樂風格的巨大變遷。佛瑞雖然堅持不受華格納(Richard Wagner, 1813-1883)浪漫主義風格的影響,但卻吸收了印象派作曲家如拉威爾(Maurice Ravel, 1875-1937)對音色和結構的探索,並將其融入自己的創作中。
《d小調大提琴奏鳴曲》(Cello sonata in d minor, Op.109)創作於1917年,也是他第一首為大提琴而作的奏鳴曲。這部作品不僅標誌著他在室內樂領域的重要創作之一,也展示了他音樂風格的成熟與獨特性。創作背景與第一次世界大戰的影響密切相關,作品中反映出當時的情感氛圍和社會動盪。然而佛瑞依然保留了音樂的典雅與內斂,並且在情感的表達上極具深度與細膩。
Gabriel Fauré (1845–1924) had an unique musical journey that spanned from the late nineteenth to early twentieth centuries. During this period, the music world underwent from Romanticism to Impressionism and classical traditions to modern styles. While Fauré resisted the influence of the Romanticism of composers like Richard Wagner (1813–1883), he absorbed the explorations of color and structure from impressionist composers like Maurice Ravel (1875–1937), incorporating these elements into his works.
Fauré's Cello Sonata in d minor, Op. 109, composed in 1917, was his first sonata for cello and piano. This piece marks a significant contribution to chamber music and showcases the maturity and uniqueness of his musical style. The composition is closely related to the emotional atmosphere and social turmoil of the World War I, yet Fauré maintained a sense of elegance and restraint, with profound and nuanced emotional expression.
This paper is structured into five chapters: the first chapter covers research motivation and purpose, the second explores Fauré's musical style and compositional background, the third and fourth chapters analyze the piece and its performance interpretation, and the fifth chapter concludes the study.