摘要: | 2019年受新冠疫情爆發影響,網路生活逐漸佔據大部分的溝通模式,迷因的概念漸漸在臺灣社會開始發酵,「歸剛欸」一詞的出現,將原本的本土生活溝通增添了不一樣的色彩,創作者藉由再製影片以第一人稱視角出發結合道地的臺式口吻敘述出「造化弄水母」的無奈,以荒謬、詼諧的方式讓口語化的臺語延伸出不一樣的趣味,而這樣新詞的出現,也讓使用者以不同的方式學習到語言的新意涵,故本研究擬透過「歸剛欸」一詞探討迷因中新詞的演化過程及傳播趨勢,同時此迷因模板作為一個國際化的迷因樣態,當進入到臺灣社群後的在地化轉變對臺灣社會及文化上的影響更是值得探究。
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 significantly shifted communication patterns towards online platforms, fostering the development of meme culture within Taiwanese society. The emergence of the phrase “Kui-Kang-Eh” introduced a distinctive element to local communication, blending colloquial Taiwanese expressions with humor and absurdity. Through creative reproductions, content creators narrated the jellyfish’s helpless fate, utilizing localized Taiwanese dialects to infuse unique linguistic charm. This study intends to explore the evolution process and dissemination trend of new words in the psychedelic through the term “Kui-Kang-Eh.” At the same time,as an international psychedelic pattern, is worth exploring for the social and cultural impacts on the Taiwanese society and culture when they are introduced into the Taiwanese community.
This study employs multimodal text analysis to collect text, pictures, and audio-visuals to observe the semantic evolution of “Kui-Kang-Eh” before and after its appearance in meme videos. Complementing this with data from the OpView social media analytics platform, the research tracks the usage and spread of this term over a one-year period starting in October 2021, to further understand the impact of the localization of the internationalized fanzine into the local community and the use of the word under the influence of power.
The analysis reveals how “Kui-Kang-Eh” has been integrated into Taiwanese culture, transformed from an international viewpoint to a localized fanfic content, and become a new word with an intolerable meaning. Its popularity reflects the tendency of Taiwanese society to de-normalize language standards, with speakers placing more emphasis on emotional resonance than linguistic accuracy, reflecting the free spirit of Taiwanese society in its resistance to oppressive power. At the same time, this fanfic is a metaphor for the social structure of the powerful and the weak, triggering emotional resonance among the public and promoting its widespread dissemination. From the fact that the fanfic is used by official units to publicize their policies, it further emphasizes the cultural influence of the fanfic from the bottom up, and demonstrates the interaction between the official government and the private sector. The localization of “Kui-Kang-Eh” successfully highlights the creation of localization in cross-cultural communication, strengthens the cultural identity of Taiwanese people, and touches the collective memory with humor, characterization, and emotional lines. |