This article starts with the confusion of "whether a crime is committed," exploring Minor Offenses and the Originals of Crime, emphasizing shared criminal responsibility. It argues that "criminal liability" and "various Social Norms" are not crime elements. Legislators establish statutory elements under Objektive Zurechnung, Objektive Strafbarkeitsbedingungen, and the Degree of Subjective Unlawfulness in Article 12, Section 1.
It analyzes the statutory elements of Intent and Negligence, excluding unjudgable elements, and defines Intent and Negligence based on awareness of criminal facts. It advocates abolishing negligence without knowledge and asserts that subjective illegality is only Absichtlich and Unrechtsbewusstsein.
Since Absichtlich and Unrechtsbewusstsein is subjective, there is no correspondence between subjective and objective elements. The "facts constituting a crime" refer to those defined by Legal Interests. Crime determination should focus on Absichtlich and Unrechtsbewusstsein and Commencement, not on The Concept of Error in Criminal law.
Finally, crime examination should begin with Absichtlich and Unrechtsbewusstsein and Commencement, using Objektive Zurechnung to determine if a crime occurred, with Attempt or Attempted Offense being post-judgment descriptive terms.