摘要: | 憲法第19條規定:「人民有依法律納稅之義務。」相對地,國家亦僅得依法律向人民課徵稅捐,是人民與國家間存在租稅法上債權債務關係。而人民如以詐術或其他不正當方法逃漏稅捐,則此等行為究竟應負何等法律責任?立法者之初步選擇認為逃漏稅捐行為係一刑事不法行為而有受到刑事處罰之必要,遂於1976年10月22日制定以稅捐稽徵法第41條逃漏稅捐罪為核心之刑事責任及其相關規定,惟國家刑罰權之發動,動輒背負鉅額罰金,甚而侵害人身自由,必須嚴謹以待,逃漏稅捐罪因而萌生諸多爭議問題值得探討。
In accordance with Article 19 of the Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan): “The people shall have the duty of paying taxes in accordance with law.” On the other hand, the government can only levy taxes from the people in accordance with law without a doubt. Namely, the people and the government develop a relationship of debtor and creditor upon tax laws. However, what are the legal responsibilities shall they have, if a person evades tax payment by fraud or other unrighteous means? That tax evasion should trigger criminal punishment for criminal offense, is the primary consideration of the legislator. Consequently, on October 22, 1976, the crime of tax evasion was established in Article 41 of the Tax Collection Act and its related regulations as criminal liability. Nevertheless, since the severe nature of punishments leads to not only significant monetary fines but also even imprisonment, it must be treated precisely and rigorously. The crime of tax evasion, therefore, has given rise to numerous controversial issues worth exploring.
Regarding the legislative rationale for Article 41 of the Tax Collection Act concerning the crime of tax evasion: “The conduct of tax evasion, in terms of its criminal nature, is almost comparable to the crime of fraud under Article 339, Paragraph 2, as well as the crimes of document forgery under Articles 210 and 214 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of China.” However, is it truly the case? First and foremost, considering that the primary purpose of criminal laws is to protect legal interests, does the protection of legal interests of the crime of tax evasion share the same legal interests as sited in the legislative rationale that it is necessary to establish a crime outside the Criminal Code of the Republic of China? Secondly, since the protection of legal interests serves two major functions as guidelines for interpreting the constituent elements of a crime and critiquing current laws, how should the constituent elements of the crime of tax evasion, such as a taxpayer who evades tax payment by fraud or other unrighteous means, be interpreted to fulfill the protection of legal interests of this crime, and is these interpretations sufficiently described to encompass the protection of legal interests of this crime? Thirdly, since criminal liabilities are considered as the most severe nature of punishments, does the statutory penalty of the crime of tax evasion, which shall be sentenced to imprisonment for no more than 5 years, and be imposed with as fine of no more than 10 million New Taiwan Dollars, align with the principle of the punishment fitting the crime, in order to accomplish both retributive and preventive purposes from past and future? Finally, since the definition of the people includes not only a natural person but also an artificial person (a corporation), a natural person who evades tax payment surely falls within the scope of the criminal laws, on the other hand, shall an artificial person who evades tax payment be sentenced to criminal liabilities, and how to device its basic structure?
Overall, this thesis, a study on controversial issues of the crime of tax evasion, will compile and organize academic theories and judicial opinions, compare Japanese and German laws, that focuses on the crime of tax evasion’s protection of legal interests, constituent elements, punishments and corporate criminal liabilities these four core issues in Article 41 to 43 and 47 of Tax Collection Act, and then perform subjective analyses. |