隨著數位科技迅速發展,串流影音平台(Over-the-Top, OTT Platforms)成為重要的娛樂型態。本研究基於消費價值理論(Theory of Consumption Value, TCV),從功利價值(Utilitarian Value)、社會價值(Social Value)、享樂價值(Hedonic Value)、認識價值(Epistemic Value)與逃避價值(Escapism Value) 五大價值構面,探討其對用戶黏著度、續訂意願與忠誠度的影響。研究同時比較獨自觀看與群體觀看兩種不同情境下的消費體驗,顯示OTT平台吸引力的多元面向。
研究提出包含九個假說,並透過問卷調查法蒐集樣本,並以結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modelling, SEM)分析,進行假說驗證。探討各項價值是否影響平台黏著度,進而提升用戶的續訂意願和忠誠度。
With the rapid advancement of digital technology, Over-the-Top (OTT) streaming platforms have become a significant form of entertainment. Based on the Theory of Consumption Value (TCV), this study explores the impact of five value dimensions—utilitarian, social, hedonic, epistemic, and escapism—on user stickiness, renewal intention, and loyalty. The research also compares the consumer experiences of individual viewing and group viewing to highlight the diverse appeal of OTT platforms. A total of nine hypotheses are proposed, with data collected via a questionnaire survey and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test these hypotheses. The study examines whether each value dimension influences platform stickiness, thereby enhancing users' renewal intention and loyalty. Additionally, it investigates whether viewing context significantly moderates the perceived value of consumption. Results indicate that social, hedonic, and escapism values positively and significantly influence user stickiness on OTT platforms, which in turn positively impacts users’ renewal intention and loyalty.