摘要: | 太極拳為一種中國傳統身心鍛鍊武術,已被廣泛地應用在世界各地,並引起眾多國內外學者的研究興趣。近年來,太極拳相關研究的篇數已大幅增長,研究證實練習太極拳對促進健康具有顯著益處並可運用於治療疾病。太極拳強調個體內在的感覺回饋,注重關節位置的準確性,透過有系統的太極拳訓練可提高個體的本體感覺能力,本研究目的旨在使用系統性回顧的方式探討太極拳訓練對本體感覺之影響。本研究搜尋2000至2024年間,凡收錄於Science Direct、PubMed、Scopus、萬方數據、中國知網以及華藝線上圖書館且關鍵字為Tai Chi、Tai Chi Chuan、Tai Ji Quan、Proprioception、太極、太極拳及本體感覺之實驗性中英文文獻。前述文獻中,研究受試者接受太極拳訓練,結果針對太極拳及本體感覺間的關係有明確敘述或數據說明且PEDro量表總分7分 (含) 以上之30篇文獻納入本研究分析。分析結果發現,最多研究採用的研究設計為:24式太極拳、60分鐘/次,3次/周且為期12週,本體感覺測量膝關節、踝關節、肘關節及腰部,而太極拳訓練有助於強化本體感覺、提升運動能力及改善姿勢的控制。
Tai Chi Chuan, a traditional Chinese exercise known for its health benefits and therapeutic applications, emphasizes enhancing the individual's internal sensory feedback system and precise joint positioning. This study aimed to explore the impact of Tai Chi training on proprioception through a systematic literature review. The review covered studies from six databases: Science Direct, PubMed, Scopus, Wanfang Data, CNKI, and Huayi Online Library. Searches were conducted using the keywords "Tai Chi", "Tai Chi Chuan", "Tai Ji Quan" and "Proprioception", covering publications from 2000 to 2023 in both English and Chinese. To be included, studies had to involve participants who had undergone Tai Chi training and provided clear descriptions or data on the relationship between Tai Chi and proprioception. Articles were evaluated using the modified PEDro scale, with general literature reviews excluded. After applying these criteria, 30 studies were selected for review. The results indicated that the 24-form Tai Chi was the most frequently studied, with the common training regimen being three sessions per week, each lasting 60 minutes, over 12 weeks. The proprioceptive sites most measured were the knee, ankle, elbow, and lumbar region. Tai Chi training significantly enhanced proprioceptive awareness and improved motor function and posture control. |