摘要: | 在現代法律制度中,保障個人權利是其核心目標。當法律的設計出現模糊或執行缺陷時,權利可能被某些人濫用,成為牟利工具。 「職業蟑螂」即為一例,這些人熟悉法令規範,利用模糊地帶或程序漏洞,以濫訴、檢舉等手段索取和解金或賠償。以求職為名故意製造勞資糾紛,並透過檢舉或訴訟迫使雇主支付賠償金。例如,2019 年一名劉姓女子在雙北地區提告超過 200 家早餐店,利用雇主在勞動法規上疏忽謀取利益。求職蟑螂經常利用勞動法對資遣程序要求,故意讓 雇主在未完全遵守規定時進行資遣,進一步要求賠償或申領失業給付。 部分雇主同樣可能濫用權利以削弱勞工保護,甚至逃避責任。例如, 有雇主採取變相非法解僱或不當延遲支付工資的方式,藉由拖延或以程序瑕疵掩蓋自身違規行為。法律核心應在於平衡權利與義務。若過度偏向保障單一群體,無論是勞工還是雇主,都可能造成另一方權益損害。例如,雇主因害怕濫訴或高額和解成本,可能選擇不願雇用某些高風險員工,間接降低勞工求職機會。同樣,若雇主權利被過度保障,則勞工之合法訴求可能因恐懼報復而被壓制。
本論文探討勞動權益濫用與禁止權利濫用原則間之關係,分析相關法規及案例,提出具體法律建議以改善勞動權益保障。探討職業蟑 螂現象背景、發展及其對社會與司法之影響,研究勞資關係與權利濫 用定義,並強調誠信原則在限制權利濫用中重要性。並討論勞動三權 (協商權、團結權及爭議權)保障範圍,說明職業安全衛生管理重要性。深入分析權利濫用在不同法律領域適用,尤其在勞動基準法中具體案例,展示權利濫用的法律後果。最後,透過案例剖析勞動權益濫 用實際爭議,提出法律建議,如加強對權利濫用之監管,並簡化勞資爭議處理程序,以促進勞動法制健全發展及更有效保護勞動者權益。
In modern legal systems, the protection of individual rights is a core objective. However, when laws are ambiguously designed or poorly enforced, these rights may be abused by some individuals as tools for personal gain. "Professional litigants" are one such example. These individuals, well-versed in legal regulations, exploit loopholes or procedural ambiguities to file frivolous lawsuits or complaints to extract settlement payments or compensation. By pretending to seek employment, they deliberately create labor disputes and use complaints or lawsuits to coerce employers into paying compensation.
For instance, in 2019, a woman surnamed Liu filed lawsuits against over 200 breakfast shops in the Taipei and New Taipei City areas, exploiting employers' neglect of labor law regulations for profit. These so-called "job-seeking claimants" frequently exploit the procedural requirements of labor laws related to dismissals, intentionally provoking employers to terminate their employment without fully complying with the regulations. They then demand compensation or unemployment benefits.
Similarly, some employers may abuse their rights to undermine labor protections or evade responsibilities. For example, certain employers may resort to covert illegal dismissal practices or unjustified delays in wage payments, leveraging procedural defects to mask their violations.The essence of the law lies in balancing rights and obligations. If the legal system excessively favors the protection of one group— whether workers or employers—it may harm the rights of the other. For example, employers, fearing frivolous lawsuits or the high costs of settlements, may opt not to hire high-risk employees, thereby indirectly reducing job opportunities for workers. Conversely, if employers' rights are overly safeguarded, workers' legitimate claims may be suppressed due to fears of retaliation.
This paper explores the relationship between the abuse of labor rights and the principle of prohibiting the abuse of rights, analyzing relevant regulations and cases, and proposing specific legal recommendations to improve labor rights protection. It examines the background and development of professional litigant phenomena and their impacts on society and the judiciary. Additionally, the study delves into the definitions of labor-management relations and rights abuse, highlighting the significance of good faith principles in restricting the misuse of rights.
The scope of protection for the three fundamental labor rights (the right to collective bargaining, the right to organize, and the right to strike) is also discussed, emphasizing the importance of occupational safety and health management. The paper conducts an in-depth analysis of the application of rights abuse across different legal fields, with particular focus on concrete cases within labor law, illustrating the legal consequences of such abuse. Finally, through case studies of real disputes involving the misuse of labor rights, the paper offers legal recommendations, such as strengthening oversight of rights abuse and simplifying labor dispute resolution procedures, to promote the sound development of labor legislation and more effectively safeguard workers' rights. |