摘要: | 本專案研究目標係希望透過污染場址整治與再開發對周邊不動產之影響,實證整治與再開發後所創造之效益,並透過財務機制、誘因配套等方式,促進民間主動進行污染整治之意願。茲研擬本計畫之研究目的如下: (1)蒐集土壤及地下水污染反映於價值與收益上之相關文獻,彙整其污染樣態、影響程度、評估方法等,以作為後續情境設定與實證分析之基礎。彙整國外棕地再開發案例,綜合分析其發展背景、場址樣態、再開發主體、過程、方法、配套、法令,以及所衍生之相關經濟效益,並探討適用於國內的可行性,進而提出相關法令與制度修訂建議。 (2)透過特徵價格法、成對交易案例分析與願付價格法,評估污染整治前後對不動產價格之影響,經由實證分析找出不同污染場址類型的影響程度、範圍與時間點。藉由敘述性偏好問卷設計,估計各種情境與條件下,民眾對於再開發後的願付價格,藉以確認污染整治與再開發後所能產生的租稅增額等經濟效益。 (3)探討污染整治配合土地再開發所致的不動產增值與租稅增額之經濟效益回收運用,評估作為土壤及地下水污染整治基金收入來源或棕地再開發財源之可行性。
The research goal of this project is to demonstrate the impact of the remediation and redevelopment of contaminated sites on surrounding real estate, and to demonstrate the benefits created after remediation and redevelopment, and to promote private initiatives in pollution remediation through financial mechanisms, incentive packages, etc. Will. The research purposes of this project are as follows: (1) Collect relevant literature on the value and benefits of soil and groundwater pollution, and compile their pollution patterns, impact levels, assessment methods, etc., as the basis for subsequent scenario setting and empirical analysis. Collect foreign brownfield redevelopment cases, comprehensively analyze their development background, site types, redevelopment subjects, processes, methods, supporting facilities, laws and regulations, as well as the related economic benefits derived from them, and explore the feasibility of applying them domestically, and then Propose suggestions for revision of relevant laws and regulations. (2) Through hedonic price method, paired transaction case analysis and willingness-to-pay price method, evaluate the impact on real estate prices before and after pollution remediation, and find out the degree, scope and time of impact of different types of contaminated sites through empirical analysis. Through the design of a narrative preference questionnaire, we estimate the price people are willing to pay for redevelopment under various scenarios and conditions, thereby confirming the economic benefits such as increased rents and taxes that can be generated after pollution remediation and redevelopment. (3) Explore the recovery and utilization of economic benefits from real estate value increases and rent tax increases caused by pollution remediation combined with land redevelopment, and evaluate the feasibility of using it as a source of income for soil and groundwater pollution remediation funds or as a financial source for brownfield redevelopment. |