航空產業具高附加價值的產業特性,帶動全球經濟的快速發展,國與國之間的交流越來越密切,對於全球化的現代社會,為推動經濟成長的重要的角色;然而,在2020年COVID-19衝擊全球的經濟,航空產業迎來前所未有的考驗,在這種情況下,檢視和研究國際航空公司在Covid-19前後的經營績效是非常值得討論的議題,可以被視為了解航空公司經營實力的一種方式,探討經營績效的主要是了解航空公司的經營效率,並提供企業做自我評估之依據。本研究衡量航空公司所關注的經營投入資源和產出的經營效率,以Refinitiv Eikon資料庫最終選定2017年至2022年全球30家國際航空公司,分別探討經營效率、營運效率以及獲利效率,以資料包絡分析法及二階資料包絡分析法、皮爾森相關分析、四象限分析及差異分析進行評估;目的為暸解航空公司的經營效率,使航空公司能更暸解資源是否有效配置與自身的優勢並制定策略,能著重於優勢進行擬定,針對劣勢進行改善,提升公司的整體經營績效,增強航空公司在航空產業中的競爭力,最終以實現永續經營為目標,以應對未來世代的挑戰並確保能永續發展。
The aviation industry possesses characteristics of high value-added, driving rapid global economic development. The increasing connectivity between nations plays a crucial role in the globalization of modern society, serving as a significant driver for economic growth. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the global economy, posing unprecedented challenges to the aviation industry. In this scenario, examining and studying the operational performance of international airlines before and after the pandemic is a highly worthwhile topic.This study uses the Refinitiv Eikon database to select 30 International airlines’ around the world from 2017 to 2022, investigates operational performance, operational efficiency, and profitability performance using DEA, Two-stage DEA, Pearson Correlation Analysis, Four quadrant Analysis.The aim of this study is to assess the operational performance of airlines, enhance the overall operational efficiency, enable a comprehensive understanding of their strengths and weaknesses for strategic formulation, improve the overall operational performance of the companies, strengthen their competitiveness within the aviation industry, and ultimately achieve sustainable business practices.