本研究旨在探討 2 週氫水增補對划船選手運動表現與生理生化指標的影響。
方法:本研究招募 20 名業餘划船選手 (氫水組:年齡,52.20 ± 13.65 year;身高,174.10± 4.72 cm;體重,83.28 ± 8.47 kg;一般水組:年齡,50.10 ± 5.07 year;身高,172.10 ±4.16 cm;體重,80.27 ± 8.74 kg),將所有受試者分成兩組,包括實驗組 (HW) 與安慰劑組 (PW),兩組必須接受每週 5 次長距離有氧訓練,為期 2 週。訓練過程中記錄心率與運動後自覺疲勞程度。實驗組於每次訓練前、後各增補 700 c.c.氫水 (1200 ppb),安慰劑組則以一般飲用水進行增補。所有受試者於 2 週訓練前後需進行划船機測功儀運動表現測試、血液與心率樣本採集,血液樣本分析指標包括肌酸激酶 (creatine kinase) 與總和抗氧化能力指標 (total anti-oxidative capacity)。運動表現測試以改良式划船溫蓋特測驗進行測試,擷取指標包括最大功率、平均功率與疲勞指數。結果:在 30 秒溫蓋特測驗指標中,總距離、平均功率、最大功率、動力遞減率,皆無顯著差異 (p > .05)。在500 公尺測驗中,總成績、平均功率,皆無顯著差異。肌酸激酶指標與抗氧化能力指標,皆無顯著差異。結論:在短期 2 週的十次訓練氫水增補對划船功率是沒有顯著效果的,在肌酸肌酶與氧化能力均未達顯著效果。
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a 2-week hydrogen water
supplementation on exercise performance and physiological markers in rowing athletes.
Methods: Twenty amateur rowing athletes were recruited for this study (HW: age 52.20 ± 13.65
year, height 174.10 ± 4.72 cm, weight 83.28 ± 8.47 kg; PW: age 50.10 ± 5.07 year, height
172.10 ± 4.16 cm, weight 80.27 ± 8.74 kg). Participants were divided into two groups:the
group receiving 700 ml of hydrogen water (1200 ppb) before and after each training session,
and the PW group receiving regular drinking water. Both groups underwent aerobic training
five times a week for 2 weeks. During training, heart rate and perceived fatigue levels were
recorded. Before and after the 2-week training period, all participants underwent rowing
ergometer performance tests and blood sample collection for analysis of creatine kinase and
total antioxidant capacity. Results: In the 30-second Wingate test, there were no significant
differences (p > .05) in total distance、average power、peak power、and fatigue index、between
the HW and PW groups. Similarly, in the 500-meter test, there were no significant differences
in overall performance and average power between the two groups. There were also no
significant differences in creatine kinase levels and total antioxidant capacity between the HW
and PW groups. Conclusion: Short-term supplementation of hydrogen water for two weeks did
not have a significant effect on rowing power, creatine kinase levels, or oxidative capacity.