摘要: | 近年來,隨著網路科技的發展和消費型態的改變,零工經濟逐漸興起,讓許多青年在學或是已就業者可以透過網路平臺輕鬆地取得零工工作(gig work)。然而,零工經濟也同時帶來了就業風險,尤其是對於從業青年而言,他們通常缺乏穩定的收入、社會保障和職涯發展機會。因此,本研究首先從相關文獻與理論中綜合歸納出零工經濟從業青年就業風險的相關就業風險,並聚焦於食品外送平臺之外送員,接著利用專家問卷初步擬定指標和聚焦出關鍵指標,最後建構出「青年從事食品平臺外送工作之就業風險指標」,研究結果獲得4個因素、8個構面、17個主要指標,45個次要指標。期望透過此研究結果,可以提供相關單位發展出更完善的政策,以改善食品平臺外送從業青年的就業保障。
In recent years, with the development of Internet technology and changes in con-sumption patterns, the gig economy has gradually emerged, allowing many young peo-ple who are in school or already employed to easily obtain gig work through online platforms. However, the gig economy also poses employment risks, especially for young workers, who often lack stable income, social security, and career development opportu-nities. Therefore, this study firstly summarized the employment risks related to the em-ployment risks of youths working in the zero-work economy from relevant literature and theories, and focused on the food delivery platform delivery workers, and then used the expert questionnaire to initially formulate the indicators and focus on the key indicators, and then finally constructed the "Employment Risk Indicators for Youths Engaged in Food Delivery Work", which was obtained as 4 factors, 8 dimensions, 17 key indicators, 45 secondary indicators, and 4 factors. The results of the study include 4 factors, 8 di-mensions, 17 key indicators, and 45 sub-indicators. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide the relevant organizations with the opportunity to develop better pol-icies to improve the job security of youths working in the food platform delivery indus-try. |