近年社群媒體興起,社群影響者、網路名人等意見領袖逐漸增加,讓傳統廣告商與行銷業者開始將部分品牌置入轉換至社群中受歡迎的社群影響者身上。本研究從置入訊息應處於何種背景環境中能獲得較佳的效果角度切入,並進一步討論不同背景環境下的置入訊息策略。主張認知資源有限下,相較於社群中長字數 貼文裡的置入品牌,短字數貼文裡的置入品牌能獲得較佳的品牌記憶。在此情境下進階探討,將雙處理程序理論與說服訴求搭配。若是長字數貼文中的品牌置入訊息為情感訴求的說服文字會較認知訴求的訊息有較佳的品牌態度。而短字數貼文中,兩種情感訴求之說服文字品牌態度差異不顯著。本研究採用實驗設計,操弄社群貼文的總字數長短為自變數,置入訊息則分為情感、認知訴求兩種訊息類型。共募集143位受試者,隨機分派至四種實驗情境中。結果顯示,社群長、短字數貼文對文章中的置入品牌記憶差異不具顯著差異,長文章中的置入訊息為情感訴求 時品牌態度較認知訴求佳,短字數貼文中置入訊息無論是情感或認知訴求對品牌態度不具顯著差異。
With the rise of social media in recent years, the number of opinion leaders such as social influencers and internet celebrities has gradually increased, leading traditional advertisers and marketers to collaborate with popular social media influencers within the community for brand placement. This study focuses on the optimal background environment for placing messages to achieve better results and further discusses the strategies for information placement in different contexts.It argues that, given limited cognitive resources, brand placement in shorter posts can lead to better brand memory compared to brand placement in longer posts on social media.Advancing the discussion in this context, the study combines dual-process theory with appeals persuasion. If the brand-placed message in a long-word post employs persuasive text with an affective appeal, it will result in a more favorable brand attitude than a message with a cognitive appeal. However, in short-word posts, there is no significant difference in brand attitude, regardless of whether the persuasive text embedded in the messages uses affective or cognitive appeals. The study employed an experimental design. The length of the total number of words in community posts was manipulated as the independent variable, while the embedded information was divided into two types: emotional appeal and cognitive appeal. A total of 143 participants were recruited and randomly assigned to four experimental situations. The results indicate that there is no significant difference in embedded brand memory between long and short posts in the community.
However, when the embedded message in a long post utilizes an emotional appeal, it results in a more positive brand attitude compared to a message with a cognitive appeal. In short posts, there is no significant difference in brand attitude, regardless of whether the embedded message uses an emotional or cognitive appeal.